File your ISF Here, Fast and Easy. Avoid Late ISF Penalty!
About ISF 10+2 Rule
The ISF Filing, also known as the Importer Security Filing 10+2 is a declaration to US Customs of the shipment data and and type goods that is being imported into the United States. The ISF declaration is vital to US Homeland Security for sceening of potential dangerous cargo or terrorist threats to the United States. Late filing may result in $5,000 - $10,000 penalty. read more...
Time Frame to File
US Customs and Border Protection requires the ISF to be prior to vessel departure before 24 hours loading of the goods onto the vessel. For late ISFs, the filing is still required or the importer may be subject to increased risk of penalty and costly customs exam at port when arrived. In most instances file as soon as you have received the documents from your seller. File your ISF as early as possible.
Flate Rate $115
ISF Filing Fee: $30
ISF Bond: $85
No Extra Fees for New Importer Setup
6 hour turnaround for ISF Number
Add Late ISF Penalty Protection for $25
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ISF 10+2 Rule
On July 9, 2013, the ISF Importer Security Filing requirement set forth by U.S. Customs is mandated to be in full enforcement. All ocean imports by containerized vessel and break bulk requires the ISF customs to be filed 24 hours before loading of goods destined to the United States. The ISF 10+2 Rule is designed to help the Department of Homeland Security and Border Protection to prescreen goods before arrival to the U.S. to safeguard against acts of terrorism and to ensure unlawful entry of goods are prevented.
The penalties set forth by U.S Customs is $5,000 for non compliance for shipments which have late ISF Filing, or erroneoous info. While CBP may not issue fines for all cases, they do reserve the right to issue and is issued and determined at the port level.​ If you have purchased goods from overeas to ship by ocean vessel, have your seller provide you all the required ISF form information and shipping documents in order for the ISF to be filed 24 hours before loading.